Using The EzyUps Dressing Aid

The EzyUps Dressing Aid is designed for people of all ages with flexibility issues due to age, injury, pregnancy and arthritis. The EzyUps Dressing Aid is a simple and inexpensive tool allows users to undress and dress themselves without assistance and frees them from dependence on a carer which increases their privacy and dignity.
EZY-UPS Dressing Aid Instructions
How to use the EzyUps Dressing Aid In Three Steps
The EzyUps Dressing Aid has been designed from the ground up to solve many of the problems that you will experience with traditional dressing aids. An easy to use device born out of the frustration that Bill's mother experienced the EzyUps Dressing Aid makes the activity of getting dressed easier again.
The EzyUps Dressing Aid Compared to Other Dressing Aids.